Curú Refuge Tour is for nature lovers, for those searching for a different, quiet and peaceful experience. Where walking through the humid forest and listening to birds, its more than enough to feel yourself happy of being there. This tour normally starts at 6:00 am, we will pick you up from your hotel, to leave heading to the reserve, at this time all the animales are very active and searching for food, taking advantage of the clarity and the freshness of the morning to go out, making it a great moment to see many different species such as; Howler Monkeys, White Face Monkeys and believe it or not, we also have spider Monkeys, yes! in fact, The Wild live Refuge of Curú is the only place in the Nicoya Peninsula where is possible to see them. The refuge size is approximately 1.496 hectares; with deciduous and semi-deciduous forest, mangroves and estuaries, beaches, marine habitats, grasslands and plantations.
There is no main attraction because the entire tour is an experience by itself, however it depends of your tastes, for example if you are interested in birds, there have been identified about 250 different species of birds. So if your are a birder or bird watcher don’t forget your camera because this tour is definitely your opportunity to add some more species to your list.
If birds are not your preference, you would probably be interested of the fact of having 78 species of mamals, 87 reptiles, 25 amphibians and about 500 species of plants, and perhaps, the most important population of scarlet macaw (Ara macao) in the area. Also there are raccoons (Procyon lotor), coatis (Nasua narica), white tail deers (Odocoileus virginianus), agoutis (Dasyprocta punctata), peccaris (Tayassu pecary), ant eaters (Tamandua mexicana) and armadillos(Dasypus novemcinctus).
During the trip, snacks and lunch are given ( lunch preferences are asked before ). As an alternative you can grab a kayak and visit a small island called “La Quesera”, where you can hang out at the beach. All this adventure is given by a naturalist tour guide, so be ready to enjoy the beauty of this scenario while you’re learning at the same time. The tour ends at 01:00 pm, at this time the bus will drive you back to the hotel.
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Our main office is in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica in front of the National Bank on the Nicoya Peninsula. View Map
Office: +506 2640 1900
Office: +506 2640 0811
Mobile: +506 8890 9197