We Offer Minibus Transportation Services: Airport Shuttles, Daily Transportation & Private Shuttles in Costa Rica. Traveling with us is Secure and Comfortable. Whether you are a lone traveler or a family group, we'll have the right bus service to fit your needs and make your journey an unforgettable experience.
Daily Shuttles
Door to door shared buses leaving everyday from our great variety of destinations around Costa Rica. Including the SJO International Airport in San Jose and the entire Guanacaste area like Tamarindo, Samara, Nosara, Mal Pais, Santa Teresa, Montezuma and Liberia Airport LIR as well as the most popular attractions you can find in this little piece of paradise. Check out our Volcanoes, Rain Forest and National Parks. We take you any and everywhere in Costa Rica, just name it and we will go for you. Use our reservation form to see our schedules and destinations. Learn more
Private Transportation
Great transportation choice for family groups or someone looking for flexibility and privacy. Choose your own pickup time and destination. Sit back and enjoy the scenery during your journey from the airport around our tropical paradise. Avoid the hassle and stress of driving in a foreign country; just let our professional, reliable and punctual bus drivers take care of you and your party. Learn more
Booking Made Easy
We think of the convenience of our customers, that's why we use PayPal as payment method to ensure safety and fast response. You will realize how easy it is to travel around Costa Rican beaches and the Nicoya Peninsula. We guarantee one of the best bus transportation services in the area. Check our destinations and start your trip!
Pick up time might vary depending on your location, for example: if a shuttle leaves at 08:00am this means that it starts the pick up at that time from the nearest departure location. That is why sometimes we have delays in some locations but that doesn’t mean that we forgot to pick you up.
Switching from one bus to another it's a common procedure during our service, but we do it quick and safe on scheduled locations along the way.
Our daily shuttle transportation includes one stop of 15 to 25 minutes maximum, please notice the this is the time the we use to transfer our clients to other connections, also you can relax, stretch your legs and use the restroom.
Some routes might require third party companies, but we ensure that won’t affect the service quality and safety that Tropical Tours Shuttles offers.
Los horarios de recogida pueden variar dependiendo de su ubicación, por ejemplo: si un servicio de transporte sale a las 08:00 a.m., esto significa que comienza la recogida en ese momento desde el lugar de salida más cercano. 15 hasta 20 minutos de retraso pueden ocurrir durante este servicio.
El cambio de un bus a otro es un procedimiento común durante nuestro servicio, el procedimiento es rápido y seguro en ubicaciones programadas en el camino.
Algunas rutas pueden requerir compañÃas de terceros, pero nos aseguramos de que eso no afecte la calidad del servicio y la seguridad que ofrece Tropical Tours Shuttles.
Tropical Tours Shuttles lo recogerá en cualquier momento con el servicio de transporte privado, la reserva debe hacerse 24 horas antes de la salida y nos reuniremos con usted a la hora establecida. Tenga en cuenta que las recogidas entre las 9:00 p.m. y las 6:00 a.m. tendrán un cargo adicional de $ 20 por servicios dentro de Guanacaste y $ 30 por el resto de Costa Rica debido a la hora.
Se permiten mascotas en transportes privados (solo perros y gatos y deben viajar dentro de una jaula).
Al enviar cualquier autorización de la tarjeta no significa que el pago se haya procesado, solo se confirmarán los pagos si el cliente recibió una confirmación por correo electrónico.
Para los servicios del dÃa siguiente por la mañana, el lÃmite de tiempo para el pago es a las 9:00 p.m. (hora de Costa Rica) la noche anterior. (Algunas excepciones se realizan según el servicio, pero nos pondrÃamos en contacto con el cliente si podemos hacer una excepción).
Reembolsos & cancelaciones
Cualquier cancelación debe realizarse 48 horas antes del dÃa de la excursión o de la partida, de lo contrario, no se aplicará ningún reembolso.
El tiempo máximo de espera en la recogida es de 10 minutos para los hoteles y de 15 minutos para los aeropuertos (el tiempo transcurrido se considerará no show y no se aplicará ningún reembolso).
Si aborda un servicio de transporte que no pertenece a nuestra empresa por error, no se aplicará ningún reembolso.
Cada niño de 3 años o más, paga como adulto (los niños entre 6 meses y 2 años deben viajar en las regazos del padre) si solicita una silla para niños, se debe solicitar durante la reserva y tendrá un costo de adultos.
Tropical Shuttle utiliza en algunas ocasiones empresas de terceros confiables para adaptarse al mejor servicio en Costa Rica, sin embargo, en caso de cualquier reclamo, Tropical Tours Shuttles no es responsable por ningún problema causado por estas compañÃas, esto implica la probabilidad de no proporcionar reembolsos. (trataremos de contactar a la compañÃa que realizó el servicio, pero eso no garantiza su reembolso debido a sus polÃticas).
El transporte de equipaje adicional o artÃculos grandes debe ser especificado por el cliente en nuestro formulario de solicitud y no están incluidos en el precio. Su transporte debe organizarse con Tropical Tours con anticipación.
Tropical Tours Shuttles no se hace responsable por ningún objeto personal que quede en nuestros vehÃculos.
Tropical Tours Shuttles no puede ser responsable de ningún cambio o cancelación fuera de su control, como tráfico, huelgas, manifestaciones públicas, mantenimiento de carreteras, condiciones climáticas, guerras, desastres naturales o actos de terrorismo. No se aplica ningún reembolso.
Permisos del gobierno
La compañÃa de viajes de Tropical Tours Shuttles está al dÃa con todas las regulaciones y seguros gubernamentales obligatorios.
Derechos de autor
Todo el contenido incluido en tropicaltourshuttles.com, como texto, gráficos, logotipos, imágenes y videos, son propiedad de Sunset & Waves Tropical Tours R y V S.A. y están protegidos por Costa Rica y las leyes internacionales de derechos de autor.
Please read the follwing Terms and Conditions carefully before using tropicaltourshuttles.com operated by Sunset and Waves Tropical Tours R y V S.A. All our shuttle services are conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all users and others who access or use our shuttle services. By using Tropical Tours Shuttles services you agree to be attached by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access Tropical Tours Shuttles services.
COVID-19 Procedures and security protocol
The Driver:
Before and after each trip, the driver is responsible for thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting his unit, with high quality products.
Mandatory wear his mask during the trip.
The Customer:
Mandatory to wear your own personal mask (environmental awareness). If you do not carry one, a disposable one will be provided.
Shoes and hands will be sanitized before boarding.
Your temperature will be checked, if it is higher than normal you will not be allowed to board the vehicle.
Vehicle and Luggage:
Each unit must contain hand sanitizer.
Emergency masks.
Sanitation of each suitcase will be a mandatory requirement.
Pick up times might vary depending on your location, for example: if a shuttle leaves at 08:00am this means that it starts the pick up at that time from the nearest departure location. 15 up to 20 minute delays might occur during this service.
Switching from one bus to another it’s a common procedure during our service, the procedure is quick and safe on scheduled locations along the way.
Includes one stop of 15 to 25 minutes maximum, please notice the this is the time the we use to transfer our clients to other connections (1.2 term), also you can relax, stretch your legs and use the restroom.
Some routes might require third party companies, but we ensure that won’t affect the service quality and safety that Tropical Tours Shuttles offers.
For airport departures, in case of a small delay we can provide a 15 minute window, however the client must contact us through email or phone 30 minutes before the departure requesting the extra time. After that time we are unable to wait.
Tropical Tours Shuttles does not allowed: animals, bicycles, kayaks or weapons inside our shared shuttles.
Private Shuttles
Normally this service is provided on a 10 to 15 passenger minibus, if there are more than 15 people we can also provide a larger vehicle.
For airport departures, in case of a delay we can provide a 2-hour window (if you require more time please contact us).
Bus stops are provided along the way at your request.
Our minibuses can carry up to 10 persons, however after 4 persons there is an extra charge of $20 per person.
Tropical Tours Shuttles will pick you up at any time with the private shuttle service, the reservation must be made 24 hours before the departure and we will meet you at the established time. Please note that pickups between 9:00pm and 6:00am will have an extra charge of $20 for services within Guanacaste and $30 for the rest of Costa Rica due to the time.
Pets are allowed on private shuttles (only dogs and cats and they must travel inside a hutch or cage.)
Security & Payments
All payments are processed securely through PayPal or Credit Card authorization once your inquiry is approved.
troicaltourshuttles.com has SSL encryption (view the certificate on the green lock at the url of your current browser).
Any information submited to Tropical Tours Shuttles such as: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address or Paypal accounts, credit card information, will remain confidential and only used under your authorization.
By submitting any card authorization does not mean that payment has been processed, payments only would be confirm if the client received an email confirmation.
By submitting your inquiry through any of our forms (daily, private or taxi) does not mean that your service or seat is reserved. Services and spaces will only be confirmed after the payment is made.
For next day morning services, time limit for payment is 9:00 pm (Costarican time) the night before. (Some exceptions are made depending on the service, but we would contact the client if we can make an exception).
Refunds & Cancellations
Any cancellation must be made 48 hours before the tour or departure day, otherwise no refund applied.
Maximum waiting time at pick up is 10 minutes for hotels and 15 minutes for airports (passed that time will be considered no show and no refund applied).
No show up, no refund applied (in case of emergency medical report must be shown, to consider any last minute change but no refund applied).
If you board a shuttle that does not belong to our company by mistake or by decision, no refund will be applied.
Every 3 year old kid or more, pays as an adult (children between 6 months and 2 years of age must travel on the parent's laps) if applying for a child seat, it must be requested during booking and it will cost as an adult rate.
In case of any complaint, it must be provided with not more that 2 days after the service, in order to study the case, if the case is severe enough the reimbursement will applied.
Reliable third party companies are used by Tropical Tours Shuttles in order to suit the best service around Costa Rica, however in case of any complaint, Tropical Tours Shuttles is not responsible for any issue caused by these companies, this involves the probability of not providing reimbursements (we will try to contact the company who made the service, but that does not guarantee your refund due to their policies).
Credit card refunds might take up to 15 business days due to bank approval.
Paypal refunds can be provided right away.
Client must specify the number of suitcases and surfboards dimensions, you're allowed to carry 2 large suitcases, one small and one carry-on, after that there is an extra charge of $10 per bag.
Tropical Tours Shuttles will not be responsible for loss or damage to carry-on items left unattended by the passenger, this includes carry-ons incorrectly stored in the luggage compartment.
Transportation of additional luggage or large items must be specified by the client on our form inquiry and are not included on the price. Their transportation must be arranged with Tropical Tours in advance.
Tropical Tours Shuttles is not responsible for any personal belongings left in our vehicles.
Tropical Tours Shuttles can not be responsible for schedule changes or delay problems with traffic, ferry services or flights (national and international), including accidents or loss of luggage during the journey.
Tropical Tours Shuttles can not be responsible for any change, delay or cancellation beyond its control such as: traffic, strikes, public demonstrations, road maintenance, weather conditions, wars, natural disasters or acts of terrorism. No reimbursement applied.
Government Permits
Tropical Tours Shuttles company is up to date with all mandatory government regulations and insurances.
All content included on tropicaltourshuttles.com, such as text, graphics, logos, images, videos, are property of Sunset & Waves Tropical Tours R y V S.A. and protected by Costa Rica and international copyright laws.
Changes to terms
Tropical Tours Shuttles reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time.