Tours & Adventure

We have lots of fun staff to do

Nicoya Peninsula is full of natural attractions. Check out our Tour list, grab your camera and enjoy the nature with a big smile!

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Tour booking form

2. Add some fun with a Tour!
Note: Prices are per person, except for the fishing tour which is per trip

Bioluminescence Tour
Tortuga Island Tour
Malpais Canopy Tour
Montezuma Canopy Tour
Horseback Riding Malpais Tour
Horseback Riding Montezuma Tour
Sport Fishing Malpais Tour
Curu Wildlife Refuge Tour
Cabo Blanco Reserve Tour
Note: This tour is NOT available the days before and during the full moon, this brings a lot of light and makes it difficult to see the Bioluminescence.
Note: Tortuga Island tour departs from Montezuma beach, if you are staying in Santa Teresa you might consider adding the round trip transportation from your hotel ($20 per person)
Note: Malpais Canopy tour departs from Mal Pais, if you are staying in Santa Teresa or Montezuma you might consider adding the round trip transportation from your hotel ($25 per person from Montezuma and $5 per person from Santa Teresa)
Note: Montezuma Canopy tour departs from up the hill, if you are staying in Santa Teresa or Montezuma you might consider adding the round trip transportation from your hotel ($25 per person from Santa Teresa and no extra charge from Montezuma)
Note: Horseback Riding Malpais tour departs from Hotel The Place in Santa Teresa, if you are staying in Santa Teresa you might consider adding the round trip transportation from your hotel ($6 extra per person)
Note: Horseback Riding Montezuma tour departs from Montezuma town, due to Montezuma's size, transportation is not required. The Tour takes around 2 hours
Note: Sport Fishing Malpais tour departs from the fisherman's village in Malpais, if you are staying in Santa Teresa or Montezuma you might consider adding the round trip transportation from your hotel ($30 from Santa Teresa and $70 from Montezuma)
Note: Curu Wildlife Refuge tour departs from Montezuma and Santa Teresa, transportation is included, just specify the departing town and place
Note: Cabo Blanco Reserve tour departs from Montezuma and Santa Teresa, transportation is included, just specify the departing town and place
Note: Departure time from Santa Teresa is at 1:00 pm and the return trip is at 7:00 pm. The Tour takes around 6:30 hours
Note: Departure time from Santa Teresa is at 8:00am and the return trip is at 4:00pm. The Tour takes around 6 hours
Note: Departure times from Montezuma are 1 hour before the tour. The Tour takes around 2 hours
Note: Departure times from Santa Teresa are 1 hour before the tour. The Tour takes around 2 hours
Note: Transportation departure times from Santa Teresa are 15 minutes before the tour. The Tour takes around 2 hours
Note: Transportation departures from Montezuma are 1 hour before the tour and 45 minutes from Santa Teresa. The tour takes around 5 or 8 hours, depending on what you have chosen
Note: Departure time from Santa Teresa and Montezuma is at 7:30am, return trip is at 1:30pm. The Tour takes around 6 hours
Note: Departure time from Santa Teresa and Montezuma is at 7:30am, return trip is at 11:30am. The Tour takes around 4 hours

Lunch preference per person
Note: Lunch is included. One preference is allowed per person

Personal general information

Note: This is a request reservation form, reservations will be valid only after purchase

Tour Transport $
Tour Transport $
Tour Transport $
Tour Transport $
Tour Transport $
Tour Transport $
Tour Total $
Tour Total $
Subtotal $
Tax $
* Required