Tambor Airport Taxi Service
Traveling by plane can save you time, but what happens after you arrive? Tambor Airport in Costa Rica has no town nearby or frequent buses or shuttles leaving the airport, taxis are available waiting sometimes, but that doesn’t guarantee your transportation after arriving, specially on high season with several landings and departures during the day. […]
Before Booking on any Site Please Read
Dear Customer Our company offers reliable transportation services, if you book your shuttle ticket under our name on any website that looks suspicious, please ask us if we have commercial relations with that company. Best regards Tropical Tours Shuttles Team
Liberia Airport LIR Transportation Services and Destinations in Costa Rica
Planning your first trip to Costa Rica can become a headache, specially if you are trying to book a transportation service from Liberia Airport to your final destination. You make a quick search on your browser and all you see is hundreds of companies offering the same destinations, but you’re probably running out of time […]
Costa Rica Traveling Video by Antoine Janssens
Thank you Antonie Janssenes for this amazing video. If you haven’t seen this video, or you’re planning your trip to Costa Rica, you definitely need to watch this, offers a quick look of our beautiful nature from a unique personal perspective. Tired of snow and winter? This is what Antonie wrote about his experience in […]
Welcome to Tropical Tours Shuttles New Site
It has been around 8 years since our first website, but times have changed and it is time to keep up with all the new demand out there. Today we proudly release our new site, hope you like it, we tried to make things simple and easy, just like we do with transportation. As you […]